Our guest for the August 19th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show: Katy Abraham, CEO/President, Construction Cost Management
Katy Abraham, CEO/President, Construction Cost Management

Construction Cost Management or CCM is a full-service cost estimating firm providing independent government estimates to the architecture and engineering industry (and sometimes straight to the government). Their focus continues to be construction estimation services and consulting. The uncommon level of specialized knowledge and unmatched experience gained over four decades allows CCM to provide clear, accurate recommendations for cost, functionality, and constructibility.
Any time there is a tax supported construction project – think new construction, demolition, renovation, rehabilitation; whether it’s a city, state or federal level, an independent cost estimator is required on the team.
Katy’s father Keith started Construction Cost Management in 1973 and asked Katy if she would be interested in buying CCM. He had concluded that having a female majority owner and obtaining a certified WBE accreditation would be beneficial to the growth of the company. In the first 5 years under her direction, CCM grew over 600%.
Phone: (817) 625-6200