Our Guest for the December 6th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show: Jim Baron, CEO, Blue Mesa Grill and TNT/Tacos and Tequila
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Our Guest for the December 6th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show: Jim Baron, CEO, Blue Mesa Grill and TNT/Tacos and Tequila

Walking through Manhattan Beach, California with their children, Jim and Liz were hungry. All they sought was a restaurant that served delicious, locally sourced food with an artful atmosphere and a moderate price point. But nothing of the sort was in sight.
In 1988, Jim and Liz took a leap of faith, named their place after a frozen blue margarita, and the rest is history.
Jim is a 25-year veteran of the restaurant industry and CEO of the Blue Mesa Grill in the Dallas area. He’s also president of Mesa SW Restaurants Inc., which includes TNT/Tacos and Tequila, a younger concept encompassing a grill and tequila bar.
Prior to opening Blue Mesa with Liz in 1988, Jim spent eight years as an executive with Taco Bell and El Torito Restaurants, Inc.
Jim has escaped one career to the next going from community service, to psychologist, to trainer, to corporate executive to entrepreneur, but at his heart he is an entrepreneur in addition to being a surfer and wrestler.
BlueMesaGrill.com TacosAndTequilaTNT.com