On the June 27th edition of PlayMakers Talk Show, our guests were:
Miguel Foegal – President, RedBrick Pizza & Smoothie Factory
Heidi & Reid Rasmussen – Owners, freshbenies
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Miguel Foegal, President, RedBrick Pizza & Smoothie Factory
Miguel Foegal has been involved with multi-unit retail management for over 30 years with firms such as 7-Eleven, Circle K and Blockbuster. Miguel stayed in the role of President of Blockbuster Canada until he joined Red Mango as an investor, a COO, and then the President of Red Mango.
Miguel remained in that position until October of 2013 when he was asked to turn over the reins of Red Mango and take on the challenge of leading both RedBrick Pizza and Smoothie Factory. All three brands – Red Mango, RedBrick Pizza and Smoothie Factory — are part of BRIX Holdings, a Dallas-based multi brand franchising company specializing in chains with superior products and active growth prospects.
Heidi & Reid Rasmussen, Owners, freshbenies
After 20 years in the health insurance industry and being a former Canadian, Reid Rasmussen has some insight into the future of American healthcare and reform, eh. Add to that, skyrocketing out of pocket costs and deductibles, he knew the freshbenies services would be a win for ALL Americans!
After 27 years in the retail industry and doing her best to understand the complicated healthcare industry, Heidi realized that most Americans have a tough time navigating “the system.” With her strong consumer-focus, she takes the complicated and simplifies it (and aims for a little fun, too)!
So, like chocolate and peanut butter, they came together to form freshbenies. At freshbenies, we believe that busy families should have equal access to trustworthy, real-life healthcare solutions that save time, $ and frustration.
Phone: (888) 813-5468Miguel Foegal, Heidi Rasmussen, Reid Rasmussen
Host, Steve A Klein